The combination of the power of drama based pedagogy and networked learning is emphasized in this post to create dynamic educational experiences. Drama helps incorporate students right into the subject, making some obscure things like math and science a bit more relatable for kids. An indication of how the arts can lend itself to every type of learning.
This focus on collaboration in networked pedagogy is critical. This experience in online courses shows that technology can bring us together, through community, and support for peers rather than isolation in the form of sharing of learning experiences. For deepening understanding and building connections that spirit of collaboration is essential.
In addition, your own discussion of constructivism and project based learning really speaks to me. This is not only development of critical skills, like teamwork and problem solving, but it also allows for exploration with long term projects such as capstones. Educators can prepare students for future success by designing learning experiences that mirror real life challenge. Your overall outcomes nicely echo that commitment to developing an environment that is engaging, interactive, and developing both teachers and students.